PhoA Help System

Picture data

The current version of PhoA allows storage, retrieval and editing (if a field is editable) the following data for each picture. Moreover, if a field is marked as searchable you may search pictures by its data.
Name Data type Editable Searchable Description
ID Ordinal No Yes Internal unique picture identifier. In the photo album always has the only corresponding file name. Used for identifying the picture, and for creating links to it.
Picture file name Filename string No Yes Picture file name (without path)
Full picture file name Filename string No No Picture file name with path. Full file name is an unique value among all photo album pictures.
Picture file path String No Yes Only path part of full picture file name.
Picture file size String No No "Human readable" representation of picture file size, eg 212,45 Kbytes or 839 bytes.
Picture file size in bytes Integer No Yes Picture file size expressed in bytes, eg 678233.
Picture width Integer No Yes Picture width in pixels.
Picture height Integer No Yes Picture height in pixels.
Picture dimensions Size No No Picture dimensions in pixels represented in form Width x Height, eg 1024x768.
Thumbnail image width Integer No Yes Thumbnail image width in pixels.
Thumbnail image height Integer No Yes Thumbnail image height in pixels.
Thumbnail image dimensions Size No No Thumbnail image dimensions in pixels represented in form Width x Height, eg 150x100.
Picture format Pixel format No No Pixel format of the image, eg 1-bit (monochrome) or Device dependent.
Date Date Yes Yes Date of events on the picture, ranged from Jan 1, 0001 to Dec 31, 9999.
Time Time Yes Yes Time of events on the picture, ranged from 00:00:01 (value of 00:00:00 assumed to be no value) to 23:59:59.
Place String Yes Yes Place of the picture.
Film number or name String Yes Yes If the picture was taken with film camera - number assigned to the film containing picture when it was being developed (unique as a rule), or name given to it by you.
Frame number String Yes Yes If the picture was taken with film camera - number of frame with the picture, eg 20 or 4A.
Author String Yes Yes Author's or photographer's, which made the picture, name.
Media name or code String Yes Yes Name of the media containing picture file (eg, CD-ROM number).
Keywords String list Yes Yes List of keywords regarding the picture - people or things, for exapmle. Always alphabetically sorted, comparison is always case insensitive.
Description String Yes Yes Brief description of what is picture displays, designated to be shown while viewing (the recommended purpose).
Notes String Yes Yes Any data not contained in other fields.
Rotation Angle Yes No An image rotation angle for viewing, a multiple of 90°. Refer to Transformations for details.
Flips Flag set Yes No A set of flags determining the applied picture flips for viewing: [Horizontal, Vertical]. Refer to Transformations for details.

See also:

Browse mode
Working in the browse mode
Find pictures dialog
Edit pictures dialog